My first roll of motion picture film

My first roll of motion picture film ever, shot two months ago during our visit to the Painted Hills. This is something I’ve wanted to do since I was twelve but it always seemed out of reach. No longer!

This shoot was spontaneous and unplanned. We’d camped nearby so that we could catch sunrise over the Painted Hills. Joanna wanted coffee, so I decided to grab my new, untested camera not knowing if it would even deliver an image. Since the sun was rising so quickly, I relied on the 40+ y/o auto-exposure and it (amazingly) worked like a charm. 2.5 minutes of film sure does go by quickly! I enjoyed the experience and the unique look that this process delivers.

Elmo Super 110R with Kodak Vision3 50D
Processed by CineLab
Scanned in 2K HDR by Gamma Ray Digital